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College Students Lead the Way

Updated: Jun 30, 2023

Teens often look up to college students - to them, these are big brothers and sisters who understand what it is like to manage academic and social pressure, how to navigate higher education institutions in order to embark on their professional journey, often in a foreign country.

We are excited to announce the following college student who will assist the participants in the upcoming AquaAlliance Buddies Without Borders Online Forum:

Forum Director: Katarzyna Buszka (Poland)

Katarzyna is studying double bachelors (Business and Leadership, Economics and Politics) at Forward College - in Paris, France and the London School of Economics and Political Science, UK. Since she remembers she has been involved in creating a positive impact within her communities. Being engaged in startup ecosystems as well as in the world of charities made her realise the importance of soft skills and a sustainable development approach. Her primary objective is to expand her knowledge and gain further experience, enabling her to create meaningful and effective solutions for real-world problems. Her passion for project management and strategy development payoff in creating projects that have a purpose and a vision.

Team Coach: Miyu Sakurai (Japan)

Miyu is a student at New York University, USA studying Applied Psychology. In high school, she participated in Model United Nations conferences in New York, Berlin, and Boston. She has also participated in World Scholar’s Cup tournaments in Hanoi and at Yale University. Currently, she is passionate about mental health in children and adolescents and spends her time teaching young children English and Japanese. Miyu has served as a Team Coach for several Buddies Without Borders Online Forums.

Team Coach: Timsa Bajpai (India)

Timsa is a highly accomplished individual currently pursuing a BA (Honors) in International Relations at King's College London. Her passion for global issues and leadership skills are evident through their involvement in various initiatives, such as representing Buddies Without Borders at the Global Online Forum and winning multiple awards, including Best Representative and Best Team Award. Timsa has also demonstrated a commitment to community service, research, and creative pursuits, which makes her a well-rounded candidate for the coaching position at Buddies Without Borders.

Team Coach: Camila Peña Eljuri (Ecuador)

Camila is an incoming freshman at Bowdoin College, majoring in government and economics. Camila has been involved in several start-ups, including Compresas Warm (an e-commerce site), PERSPECTIVE (a digital entrepreneurship magazine), and a multinational mentorship network for young entrepreneurs in Tanzania. Camila

was awarded the Best Representative Award of the March 2022 Global Forum (Wellness for Teens) at Global Education Destinations, which earned her a seat in the International Business and Development Internship (Leadership Initiatives) and gave her the opportunity to advocate for entrepreneurs in Bauchi, Nigeria. Camila is thrilled to join the team of coaches and interact with such a motivated cohort of students, hoping to inspire them for change in the same way she was inspired by those who coached her in her previous involvement with Global Education Destinations.

Scorer: Joy Yang (Taiwan)

Joy is going to study Chemical Engineering at National Taiwan University. Once part of BWB, she led the Best Team in the Human Migration Forum in 2021 and thus took on the international internship program. She then ran her BWB Club in her high school and promoted the global pen pal project to facilitate friendship and collaboration between BWB clubs around the world. Besides BWB events, she has also taken part in national debate tournaments and came in second with her teammates. Currently, she is planning her future curriculum in the upcoming semester and is passionate about using her professional science knowledge to develop more eco-friendly manufacturing production in college. Joy would like to be part of the BWB again because she loves the people she met and the experience she gained in this amazing international community.

Please join us in thanking these outstanding college students for leading the way in the next forum. The interest form for the 2023-2024 forums is now open. Join us to change the world - it is fun with a purpose!

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