At Global Education Destinations, success is not one well-crafted essay, one creative presentation, or one passionate speech. It is the consistent action that shines the brightest. We call these superstars Pioneers. Because they see what needs to be done to help the entire community and they show us the way.
One example would be Ananya Mahesh. Ananya is an 11th-grade student from CHIREC International School in India. She won the Pioneer Award in the AquaAlliance Online Forum last year. As a result, Ananya launched a BWB Club in her school and has conducted numerous Local Action Projects. Here are a few of her club's successes to share with you:
"In December BWB Chirec launched our local action project centered around SDG 13 – climate action. We collaborated with local NGOs like ARforEarth and ENYImpacts to conduct 3 lake cleanups in lakes in our city successfully! From these lake cleanups we collected waste like bottle caps and wine bottles that we plan to use for our environmental art exhibit."
"I want to start this club to engage fellow students to join this holistic program and help make a difference (acting locally). I love the local action project part! To me, 2 SDGs that are important are perhaps #4 quality education and #16 peace justice and strong institutions. Some ideas specifically include conducting health education to break stigma around stds, cancer etc. Other action project ideas specifically that we've already thought of include self-defense and self-confidence classes for young girls (SDG 3, 5, & 8). We also want to work with a local bioengineering firm to turn/recycle plastic trash into plastic material we can build furniture etc from! My experience from SDGs includes building projects centering them, and having discussions about their role and importance on various topics. During the pandemic, I created a project to help teens stay fit focusing on SDG 3."
Your vote in the People's Choice category helps us identify the leaders we want to see in our joint future. Visit the People's Choice page and vote by "liking" your favorite proposal in the Access to Health Buddies Without Borders Online Forum.
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