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The Only Thing We Can Control Is...

It is our inept need to make sense of the world around us so we can operate smoothly. But nowadays, many of these norms and rules are changing by the minute, influenced by everything from outspoken celebrities to new scientific discoveries to what we read on social media to which leaders are in charge. The story of our world is all of a sudden incoherent - it is little wonder that therapists and counselors are in high demand.

Meanwhile, self-Improvement is a $10.4 billion usd industry. From diet systems to time management workshops, from mindfulness practices to home gyms, entrepreneurs are coming up with tons of ideas to achieve happiness and fulfillment in spite of the external chaos. Can teens create a self-improvement program for their own well-being?

We cannot wait to see what the participants can come with. Innovation for our well-being is more important now than ever. Join us and share your idea: what program would you create for teens? Join us for the Self-Improvement Program Challenge! Click on the link for the Project Plan.

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