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Leading Local Actions in UAE

Updated: Jun 4, 2022

At the end of each school year, BWB Club leaders are invited to reflect upon what they have accomplished locally to meet global goals. We are so impressed by the commitment and leadership skills demonstrated by these Club Presidents.

Some of the students are in the International Baclaruate Programs, and their local actions fit the CAS project requirements nicely. Some of them are working on their college application material, and their local actions serve as evidence of their contribution to the community. No matter what, these experiences enrich everyone's life, both as givers and receivers.

Shirin Karimi, an IB student from Towheed Iranian International School in UAE, explained her goal as the Club President:

“The most important goal of mine is to make people around me realize that even the smallest things they do to make a change matter. If they picked up a piece of wrapper from the ground or helped to clear the ocean, it is of consequence. Saying one nice phrase to their classmate or siblings makes a difference. My team and I are here to share our experience with others and bring people together for the same purpose to build a healthier and safer community. Our ambition is to relieve the stress level students experience, especially during this pandemic, and help to contribute to the saving of Mother Earth by controlling personal production and consumption.”

From the Earth Day celebration to the Pen Pal interviews to the workshop for the younger grade students, Shirin and her club members have been busy. Please click on the link to see Shirin's presentation on their Location Action.

Congratulations on job well done, Shirin, Nikan, Sadra, Aliyeh, Hosna, Mahyar, Mohammad, and all members. A special shout out to Ms. Negin Saadat, their club moderator who works tirelessly to guide her students to success!

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