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Destination: USA

The United States of America has been one of the top education destinations in the world ever since its Colonial Period ( The flexibility of majors/minors/concentrations, the recognized value of extra-curriculum activities, the career opportunities for those who work the hardest, as well as the allowance for those who learn at a different pace... I can attest to these advantages myself because I have gone through them myself.

This weekend, I am pleased to announce that our Destination Workshops will be hosted by Arizona State University in the USA (ASU). ASU is ranked top in the US for global impact in meeting the global goals based on the World University Rankings 2021 (published by Times Higher Education magazine), ahead of King's College London, the University of British Columbia and Western Sydney University.

How does ASU do it? What can students expect to learn and do at ASU to fully realize their potential while doing good for the world? Julia Tebben, Associate Director of Global Career Initiatives at ASU, will answer our questions this Saturday, April 9.

To learn more about Destination Workshops, please click here. If you are a BWB Club member or a Buddies Without Borders Forum alumni, this resource is free to you. The next opportunity to join us for knowledge and friendship is here: The Best ROI for Humankind: Women and the Economy.

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