The Wellness Challenge for Teens Online Forum concluded with tons of great ideas from more than 30 countries around the world (you can see their ideas on the Global Community page).
One student stood out the most for her skills, commitment, attitude, and knowledge. She has won the hearts of her fellow forum participants as well as the votes from the panelists and the team coach. She helped her team "Inspirational Covidenteen Innovators" reach the Top Five in the final round, and was nominated for the Pioneer Award which will allow her to establish a BWB Club in her school.
This student is Camila Peña Eljuri. Camila studies at Unidad Educativa Particular Rosa de Jesús Cordero “Catalinas” located in Ricaurte-Llacao, Ecuador. Camila has won a year-long internship sponsored by Microsoft and Starbucks, as well as a scholarship seat in the upcoming forum: Women and the Economy for a qualified applicant from Ecuador or a Latin American country. (Please submit your application if you are interested).
This is part of Camila's reflection of her experience and growth with the Forum:
"Reflecting back to the areas I wanted to work on when I started this journey, I believe I achieved my initial goals to greater extents than I imagined. During the forum, I got to address each individual level of wellness that I initially planned to, all motivated by the belief of a greater potential future. Constantly remembering the importance of collaborations and the realization of different perspectives in the generation of solutions capable of affecting distinct contexts. I end the forum with a complete sense of fulfillment and satisfaction of having given my best efforts on each chance I had."

Congratulations to Camila, and thanks for setting a shining example for what we want to see in the future generation!